Principal's Message
Dear Baldwin High School Students and Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year at Baldwin High School! Throughout the year, we will be engaging
students in learning aligned to the District’s Five Competencies: Responsible Collaborators, Adaptive Learners,
Creative and Critical Thinkers, Empathy, and Communication.
Important Updates:
● Modified Block Schedule: The School has adopted a modified A/B block schedule. Blocked courses meet
every-other day. Juniors and seniors with a double-period study hall at the start or end of the day may arrive late or
leave early with permission. Check out this sample schedule.
● Semesterized Courses: Year-long courses have been broken into semesters. For example, a student might have
World History 3rd period during the fall semester and 7th period during the spring semester.
● Freshman Orientation: August 29th—Please RSVP!
● Family Engagement Event: October 10th for grades 9-12 replaces the traditional Open House.
● Assistant Principal Caseloads:
Denise Wells: Freshmen | John Saras: Grades 10-12 (A-K) | Brandon Whitfield: Grades 10-12 (L-Z)
● School Counselor Caseloads:
Julie Sumper: Freshmen | Jennifer Pellen: Grades 10-12 (A-G) | Kaitlyn Figurelli: Grades 10-12 (H-N) |
Noel Santini (Department Chair): Grades 10-12 (O-Z)
● Transportation: Student drop-off is in the Central Lot from 7:10-7:25 AM. Buses drop off/pick up at the South (Pool)
Entrance. The South Lot is closed to personal vehicles during these times.
● Steel Center Bus Runs: Limited bus runs on August 27-30 for Steel Center students. Details will be communicated
directly to Steel Center students/families closer to the 27th.
● Absences/Tardies: Excuses must follow District policies and can be emailed to Beth Depetro at Excuses are due within three school days of returning to school.
● School Picture Dates:
Sept 10: Grades 9-10 @ BHS | Sept 11: Grades 11-12 @ BHS | Sept 13: Makeup Day @BHS |
Sept 23: Remote students @ Whitehall Elementary
Please review and sign-off on the 24-25 BHS Student Handbook with your student.
For more information, visit our website, follow us on Instagram @bhsactivities, and check Skyward and Canvas
regularly. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Welcome back, Highlanders! Let’s make this year one of engagement and discovery.
Shaun Tomaszewski , Principal