HMS Happenings

The J. E. Harrison Administrative Team publishes a weekly update newsletter for students and parents. Be sure to read this publication as it provides information about important upcoming dates, events, as well as highlights some of the amazing things that happen every day in our building.

Journey of a HighlanderJourney of a Highlander
The Baldwin-Whitehall School District is at the forefront of transforming education to bring about a modern and forward-thinking learning experience for all students. We are actively engaged diverse perspectives from our staff, students, and broader community to design the Journey of a Highlander, a collective vision that articulates our shared aspirations for every student.

As part of our weekly update, we have placed a gear graphic(s) at the begging of selected articles to highlight the connection to the five competencies that make-up a Journey of a Highlander.

Click for an outline of the 5 Competencies of the BWSD’s Journey of a Highlander


HMS Weekly Updates