There are many opportunities that await both children and parents. The HMS PTSA supports our children and school educators in many different ways. By providing funds and volunteers for various school functions and initiatives, we serve both our Children and our Community. Below are some examples of how we make a difference! Click for more information- HMS PTSA Promotion Flyer.
- Teacher Grants for needed classroom items
- Provide funds for the school Nurse's Pantry
- Do The Right Thing support and volunteerism
- Various Fundraisers to support activities for the children
- Volunteerism for school functions and dances
Would you like to be added to our email distribution list so that we can keep you up to date on PTSA activities or volunteer opportunities? Simply complete the PTSA Membership Form and send the bottom portion of the form along with the membership fee of $6.00 (rate is the same for parents and children) to the HMS office in an envelope marked "PTSA Membership - Attn: Kelly Bischoff.
Would you like to follow the HMS PTSA on our Facebook page? You may do so by following this link: