Fifth-Grade Students Start the Year with Collaborative Learning

Students kicked off the school year with engaging back-to-school collaborative group activities that encourage teamwork, communication, and creativity. Fifth-grade students worked together on various challenges, building problem-solving skills while getting to know one another, learning classroom procedures, and practicing our PBIS expectations. These activities not only helped foster a strong sense of community but also set the tone for a cooperative, safe and supportive classroom environment. It was inspiring to see everyone actively participating and contributing their unique ideas. It will be exciting to see this spirit of teamwork grow throughout the year!  

"We are a Community” gave the kids a chance to make posters using the shared information to learn about their classmates and search for similarities in their differences.

Making squares is a group activity that requires math talk, perseverance and problem solving while using 12 popsicle sticks in each attempt to build 1-12 numbers of squares.

The 1-100 activity requires the students to draw conclusions using patterns and consider different strategies to group numbers in the most effective and efficient manner.