CHILL Project

The CHILL Project by Allegheny Health Network provides preventative behavioral health, skill-based learning and application to Baldwin High School. The CHILL Project serves students, faculty, and families to increase overall mindful awareness, resiliency and wellness, while reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

Dear Baldwin-Whitehall School District Community,

During events that bring great uncertainly, anxiety, and doubt, our minds can be filled with many thoughts, and our bodies experience these emotions. We may ask questions such as, "when will this end?" "Am I going to be safe?" "What will happen if I or someone in my family gets sick?" Though these thoughts are valid and appropriate, we can also bring much stress and pressure to our lives if we constantly think about such things and we fall out-of-balance. We may get less quality sleep, eat more, and exercise and socialize less. It is important to recognize when we are out-of-balance and not only create time to exercise, safely socialize with friends and family, eat mindfully, and practice good sleep practices, but it is also important to make some quality time to purposefully be still and appreciate yourself, the world, and the current moment. As we may be alone with ourselves or with a close group of family for an extended period of time, we might fall into the trap of always looking for ways to fill the time. Possibly thinking that you must be busy, or distract yourself from the current state of the world. Though keeping active and busy during such times is important, being busy can simply be just that, being busy. That's why it is incredibly important that we appreciate the current moment, and create moments to practice this appreciation. Whether it is when we first wake-up, to carving out some other time during the day, purposefully being still, quiet and appreciating the beautiful world around you can bring peace to your world. When we take a moment and let our thoughts go, focusing on breathing, or maybe working our way through the senses, we notice the magnificent world is still there, even in the midst of COVID-19. Turn-off the phone, the computer, the news, the music, the noise, and just listen, observe, describe in your mind what you are experiencing and you might just hear the beautiful songs on the birds, the wind rustling through the trees, the buds coming out for spring, or maybe the fresh smell of the world after a gentle rain. We have a choice to fill our moments with purposeful busyness or purposeful activity, and mindful appreciation. During this time of international pandemic, The CHILL Project by AHN will bring a selection of our evidenced based skills to the greater community, with the focus on disengaging from stress by creating calm, peace and a deeper appreciation for beauty in the current moment.

Mindfully Yours,

The CHILL Project Team at Baldwin High School,

Ms. Alicia, Ms. Lauren, and Dr. Davies

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