Facility Rental Requests
Facility Rental Requests
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Baldwin-Whitehall School District's facilities. Our buildings are valuable community assets and many civic and community groups use them for meetings and events. We are happy to accommodate these groups whenever we can. If you would like information about which space might be the most suitable for your use, or have other questions, please contact Elizabeth Mogan by emailing her or phoning the Facilities Department at 412-884-6300. For information regarding the Dr. Regis V. Shalley Performing Arts Center, please contact Beth DePetro by emailing her or by calling her at 412-885-7500. For information regarding billing, please contact Dawn Pettit at 412-884-6300 or by email. For help during an event, please contact Randy Huddart, Facilities Manager, at 412-443-7122.
- Register for an Account (First Time Users Only)
- Important Information
- Pool Parties
- Availability at a Glance
Register for an Account (First Time Users Only)
All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create a user account. You can do so by clicking the Register icon to the left of the video below. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful you will receive an email confirmation. The video and Quick Start Guide below will provide additional information.
Important Information
Please be aware of the following:
- All permits are subject to cancellation due to school functions not yet scheduled.
- Only Coca Cola products may be used in the district.
- No food or drink may be taken into any gymnasium.
- To avoid No Show charges, you must contact the Facilities Department at 412-885-7592 by 3:00 Monday through Friday to cancel your event.
- All outside organizations must submit insurance information.
Pool Parties
Pool parties are held on Sundays only from the middle of October to the end of April.
Please be aware of the following:
- All permits are subject to cancellation due to school‐sponsored activities not yet scheduled.
- Billing questions should be directed to Dawn Pettit dpettit@bwschools.net. All other questions regarding scheduling and general help should be directed to Elizabeth Mogan emogan@bwschools.net Dawn Pettit and Elizabeth Mogan can also be reached at 412-884-6300.
- Fees are determined by the number of participants and by the number of those participants who are residents of the Baldwin‐Whitehall School District. Resident groups are charged $80.00/hr. for less than 31 participants, which includes 2 lifeguards. The Resident group fee for having 31 – 60 participants is $105.00/hr.
- To be deemed a Resident group, at least 75% of the participants must be residents of the district. A list of participants’ names and addresses (or schools they attend) must be submitted to Dawn Pettit dpettit@bwschools.net (or mailed to 4900 Curry Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236) at least 1 (one) week prior to the party in order to receive the resident rate. (This list can be a copy of your invitation labels.)
- Non‐resident groups are charged $132.00/hr. for less than 31 participants, which includes 2 lifeguards. The Non‐resident group rate for 31 – 60 participants is $158.00/hr.
- An invoice will be sent to you prior to your party being approved. The schedule will remain in pending status until payment is received. Payment must be received within 14 days or your date will be forfeited. You will be charged additional custodial fees if you stay past your allotted time‐slot.
- To avoid No Show charges, and receive your payment back, you must contact Dawn Pettit at 412‐884‐6300 or dpettit@bwschools.net at least 48 hours in advance.
- There will be a table set up in the lobby for presents, cake, ice cream, etc.
- All guests must be dried off and feet must be covered to enter the Lobby.
- No food or beverages permitted on the Pool Deck.
- All guests are expected to adhere to the general pool rules (no running, diving in shallow, etc.). The Lifeguard is responsible for the safety of the pool patrons and shall have authority over such matters.
- Water‐wings, noodles and soft squish balls are permitted at the discretion of the lifeguard. No other floatation devices such as rafts or life vests are permitted.
- Only one diving board may be used.
- Party guests are not permitted to use the starting blocks.
- An additional lifeguard may be assigned at the discretion of the director.
- For help during an event, please contact Randy Huddart, Facilities Manager, at 412-443-7122.