Technology Services Overview

The Technology Services Department of the Baldwin-Whitehall School District serves and supports over 4,700 students and staff with data, voice, video and a rich computing environment. We strive to enable our users by providing superior technical service, and to empower them with information and solutions. Please explore our departmental website to find news, tutorials, documentation, and a variety of other resources.

The mission of Baldwin-Whitehall School District's Technology Services Department is to plan, build, maintain and support technology for our students, staff, and throughout the organization. As a team of professionals, we provide strategic leadership and guidance to the organization; we listen, anticipate and respond to the needs of the district, its staff and students. We engineer and facilitate solutions to bring about improved efficiencies and productivity across all administrative, instructional, and operational departments. Our commitment is to enable effective and efficient use of technology as part of the community's investment in educating children.

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Technology Help Desk for Students

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