Dear Families,
We hope that the first few weeks of the 2023-2024 school year have gone well for you and your family. We would like to take the opportunity to remind you of the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding the purchase of the optional Technology Protection Plan for your child’s Chromebook. This plan, priced at $30.00 for individual students, $50.00 for two students, and $80 for families with three or more students, provides coverage for any accidental damages that may occur to your child's Chromebook during the upcoming school year.
For a detailed description of the Technology Protection Plan, please refer to the following link.
To make a payment for the optional Technology Protection Plan, parents and guardians have the flexibility to use e-Funds or write a check payable to the Baldwin-Whitehall School District. If you choose to pay with a check please have your child visit the school’s technology office or speak with their homeroom teacher.
Please note that payments for the Technology Protection Plan must be completed on or before September 30, 2023, to ensure coverage for the entire school year.
We wish you and your family a fantastic school year ahead!