
Public Comment

Please use this form to pre-register for the upcoming School Board meeting. You can also use this form to cancel your request should you change your mind. Remember, you must be a resident of the district to make a comment. All comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. You do not need to pre-register in order to make a comment at the meeting. For virtual meetings, please call (412) 885-7949 for public comment. Phone calls will only be answered during the public comment session of the meeting. 

Pre-Registration Form

Dear Baldwin-Whitehall Residents: 
During recent meetings of the Board of School Directors, some residents have expressed concern regarding the ability to participate remotely in the resident portion of the meeting.  Upon review of this matter, we believe that we have been able to address the conditions that have contributed to the problem.  We have also revised some of the protocols and order of the public meetings to support the remote participation of the residents. 
Resident Comment Procedures and Protocol: 

  • Business meetings of the Board of School Directors contain two sections for resident comments
  • The first resident comment section during the business meeting will be expanded to allow for comment on action items as well as other matters of interest/concern.
  • The second resident comment section allows for an additional opportunity for residents to voice matters of interest/concern
  • The agenda for the business meeting will be restructured to allow additional time for residents to call into the meeting

Residents also have the ability to pre-register their desire to comment during the meeting using a Google Form.  

Here is how it will work:

  • Click on the following link and complete all requested information.
  • Completion of the pre-registration form may happen at any time prior to the Board meeting.  
  • Residents may still choose to initiate the phone call during the resident comment section o The Google Sheet will be monitored during the meeting by the School Board Secretary
  • The District will call any resident that pre-registered to speak but did not call in
  • Pre-registration is not required in order to speak at the meeting.  Any resident may still call in during the meeting without pre-registering.  
  • The pre-registration process will ensure that we connect with every resident that wished to speak prior to the end of the meeting.  

Please remember that residents may speak only once per topic or subject during any meeting of the Board of School Directors.  Comments per resident shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. (BWSD Policy #903) 
Thank you for your interest in the Baldwin-Whitehall School District. Sincerely 
Randal A. Lutz, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools