Title I
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) Title 1 Program is a federally funded project developed to provide financial assistance to qualifying schools so funding can be allocated to provide targeted-assisted services to help ensure all students meet challenging academic standards. Whitehall Elementary School has school-wide Title I services.
Whitehall Elementary School is committed to the belief that all children can learn and acknowledges that parents share the school’s commitment to the educational success of their children. At Whitehall Elementary School, we provide a safe, welcoming environment for students and families. We recognize family engagement as an ongoing partnership that assists families in supporting all children’s learning. We support parents as leaders and decision makers at all levels of the education of their children. We facilitate communication between home and school. The active involvement of parents correlates with student achievement. Research-proven reading strategies are used to improve overall performance in the classroom and on state assessments. All curriculums will follow the Pennsylvania Core Standards.
The school recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family as partners. We invite parents to an annual Title I meeting to explain the Title I program and the assessment data. Ongoing open communication between families and teachers will occur. All assessment data will be available to parents.
The school will keep parents informed of their rights and responsibilities as an educational partner. Whole school and individual student achievement will be shared with parents in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner. Progress will be clearly shared through on-going parent teacher communications such as quarterly report cards, emails, monthly newsletters and conferences. The school may provide transportation as deemed necessary through the Title I program if parents require transportation assistance in order to attend Title I functions. In addition, the Title I program may provide assistance with families in a form and language that the parents understand. If an interpreter is required to English Learner Parents, the school will make every effort to provide these services.